Software-as-a-Service Marketing

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) marketing is often complicated.  It can be difficult to explain software, particularly when it can do a lot of different things and requires customization.


At Slice, we believe that all good SaaS marketing communications begin with education. Often, the best place to start is identifying the issue that potential clients are having. Many SaaS companies skip that part and instead focus on the features of their product, which is a mistake.

In addition, they also use jargon language that turns most people off. We speak human. That means our team can take complicated B2B technology language and turn it into something simple and easy to understand. We also identify the areas of expertise SaaS companies have and turn them into opportunities for connection with their targeted audiences.


  • Strategy – Most SaaS professionals struggle to tell a story that explains the purpose of the software. We begin there by co-creating simple, understandable messages that speak to the targeted audience. This language and positioning clearly differentiates our clients from their competitors.
  • Public Relations – New products, new people, and new venture capital funding will all usually garner media coverage. But those things don’t happen everyday. We work with reporters and our clients to earn media coverage between announcements with editorial briefings, newsjacking, and pitching.
  • Social Media – Research shows that many people use LinkedIn to research a product or service before they buy it. We are LinkedIn experts for marketing SaaS companies. We also incorporate Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for other strategic goals, including recruiting and conference support.
  • Email Marketing – Email for SaaS companies is all about moving customers through the sales cycle. Our team crafts email broadcasts and automation to stay top-of-mind with prospects and their advisors.
  • Content – Most SaaS companies should rely on industry trends, data collection, and education in order to produce ongoing reasons for connecting with their targeted audiences. These must be relevant, insightful, and actionable in order to create new opportunities.

Interested in learning more?

Our team can help! Fill out the contact form below and one of our team members will be in touch. We are excited to meet you and help you with SaaS marketing!

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