Customer Service

Happy customers and clients are the best sources of future growth.  They stay for a long time, they buy over and over again, they tell other people to buy, and they encourage people to apply for jobs.  It is much more efficient to keep current customers than it is to attract new ones.

We believe that marketing communications plays an important role in keeping customers satisfied.  Many people want to feel good about the companies with which they do business.  This means highlighting shared values, shared successes, and shared insights.


In our First Cut Session, we spend the largest amount of time discussing targeted audiences and prioritizing them.  Too many leadership teams don’t spend enough time talking about the best and most profitable customers they currently have as a priority.  We’ve found that those who do are most likely to see long-term success and growth.

People are typically the happiest immediately after they have bought something. They are also satisfied when they have bought again or renewed a contract.  These are huge opportunities for content development and dissemination.  They are a company’s best shot at real stories that can be compelling to other customers and prospective customers.  

Our team works with our clients to identify, articulate, and tell stories in a way that makes your clients feel great about doing business with you.


Customers are already paying attention, but that can wane overtime.  Our team at Slice keeps their  attention by communicating regularly in “surround sound.” 

  • Public Relations – We will generate media coverage based on customer stories and case studies. Profiling customers and generating media coverage for them reinforces their loyalty.
  • Social Media – Your social media channels, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., are the easiest way to frequently support customers by sharing their good news and information.  We will ensure they feel your support regularly.  
  • Email Marketing – We will help you stay in touch with your customers by generating and implementing an email marketing plan that incorporates personal messages, gets their feedback, and requests their ongoing support.
  • Please contact us with any questions or comments: