A bylined article is attributed to a source rather than being anonymous or written by a reporter. Bylined articles can be any length, usually determined by the media outlet, and they tend to be based on an opinion or viewpoint. They articulate views and opinions that are clearly the writer’s own, without requiring objectivity.
Opinion articles are important to position your company as a leader and trendsetter in the field. It is respectable to have your byline article published in the media because it brings with it third-party credibility.
Typically, the author of a bylined article is our client’s designated spokesperson and acknowledged authority for the media. Sometimes we will ghostwrite the piece for the spokesperson, whose name will appear on the article, but other times the client will write the piece then we will edit it. When we write the article, it is important that it closely reflects the spokesperson’s views and ideas. In other words, he or she”owns” the ideas expressed in the article, not the writer. We “interview” the client on the topic and voice record his/her response so we can refer later for quotes and accuracy when writing.
An added bonus of bylined articles is that they can be adapted into speeches for possible speaking opportunities.
Bylined articles are great opportunities to put the exact key messages and points out to the media that we want to convey.
Need some help with a bylined article or thought leadership content? We may be able to help. Just drop us a line.