
Although JLL Philadelphia offers relevant content to the commercial real estate community, their Twitter account — which was started in May of 2015 — was slow to grow due to lack of engagement, strategic posting, and paid advertising.


Slice began running consistent paid advertising campaigns for the @JLLPHL account in October of 2016 with a goal of growing our following on a limited budget. Slice targeted JLL’s advertising towards their ideal audience — reaching brokers, developers, and media influencers.


Using specific targeting to reach their audience, Slice was able to grow the @JLLPHL Twitter account by 465% in nine months. Our efforts yielded large community growth, and through these targeted ads, the @JLLPHL account was able to reach media influencers such as the Philadelphia Business Journal, Jacqueline London, John L. Micek, Joanne McLaughlin, and Jacob Adelman.