Communicating with the Media Amid COVID-19

Right now, there are a lot of reporters looking for different ways to cover COVID-19 and all of the related economic, health and mental health crises associated with it. This means it will be the first time many companies’ CEOs and spokespeople will be doing media interviews. When preparing for interviews, the first step is […]

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How to Create a Crisis Communication Plan

Communication through a crisis situation is most effective when it is clear and consistent.  Creating a plan with primary messages, delivery methodologies, and regular cadence can make all the difference in ensuring that communication is thoughtful and strategic.  Communicating in a way that is reactive can actually create more stress, confusion, and uncertainty. Here is […]

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Communicating through Coronavirus

There is one thing certain about the coronavirus: it is creating a tremendous amount of uncertainty.  That’s a big problem for business since people buy less and delay more during times when there is a lot of uncertainty.  Right now, there is a complexity to the challenge due to widespread inactivity in the world’s workshop […]

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