Marketing Analytics Consultant

Jessie Matteo knew she wanted to work in marketing from the time she was 4 years old when her dad explained that (bad news) the M&Ms characters were not coming to her birthday party because (good news) they were invented in a place called a Marketing Agency. Ever since that moment she knew she had to be some part of the story behind the brands that make us all smile. Nearly three decades later, Jessie has started working for Slice as a part-time contractor in January 2024 in addition to her full-time job as B2C Marketing Manager at a large appliance and repair part distributor. 

Jessie’s professional career started with Social Media Marketing while still in school at Binghamton University in New York. A born New Yorker, Jessie worked at multiple agencies in Manhattan before landing on the Merchant Marketing team at American Express. After nearly 6 years there, and a move to Philadelphia, Jessie took a professional year off to experience interacting with customers in the wild. 

Jessie lives in Philadelphia with her chef husband Michael, and their rescue mix Cindy Rella Rose Franklin Potato Matteo. Jessie loves taking out Cindy for long walks, checking out new restaurants with friends, and trying out new workout combos at the gym.