Chief Delivery Officer

Tim Biskup is Chief Delivery Officer of Slice Communications, accountable for the quality, value, and timeliness of all work coming out of the agency and the people producing it. Tim has over three decades of experience in client services and data-driven digital marketing.

One of his early mentors (of Time Life books fame) drilled into his mind, “If you’re not keeping score, you’re just practicing!” Over the last twenty years Tim has added to that, “We need to make sure we know what game we are playing and make sure we are watching the right part of the scoreboard.”

Tim’s career brought him from Minneapolis to Philadelphia when he was working for SmithKline Beecham. He then spent 11 years at Mars, Inc. where he built an internal agency to handle small brands, PR, email, and consumer web tools. He also created a strategy and solution for global Consumer Affairs and was part of the original five people that built the MYM&M’s personalized e-Commerce business.

The last 15 years have been spent on the agency side working for Harte Hanks, Epsilon, and Blend supporting major brands in consumer goods, insurance, tech, and automotive. Tim challenges the status quo and looks to find ways to grow revenue, cut costs, and reduce risk through disruptive ideation and testing. He passionately leads delivery and PMO teams, leveling up their outcomes, and creating career opportunities for the team.

Tim graduated in December 2024 from Minnesota State University, Mankato with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Leadership with a specialty in Mathematics. He can be found running, biking, and swimming often when he isn’t out with his seven kids and grandson.