Cherry Street Pier


The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation aims to transform Philadelphia’s waterfront into a vibrant destination for recreational, cultural, and commercial activities for the residents and visitors of the region. In an effort to boost sales to build awareness and connected attention around their newest property, Cherry Street Pier, DRWC turned to Slice for their email marketing and paid social media expertise.


With over 4 billion daily users, there’s a reason email marketing has remained one of the most effective messaging channels. Email Marketing benefits include:

  • Keeping Company/Organization Top of Mind
  • Boosting Event Attendance
  • Ability to Nurture Leads
  • Create Segmented Audiences & Targeted Messaging 
  • Collect Feedback & Improve Sales

Looking to increase their connected attention, the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation partnered with Slice Communications to grow their email list for their Cherry St. Pier location. 

Slice’s team of social media experts developed a strategic 2-step paid social media campaign in order to use Facebook to gain email leads. The strategy began with a month-long awareness campaign targeted at two audiences.

  1. An interest-based audience targeting local Philadelphia residents interested in arts and design 
  2. A lookalike audience based on their current email list

The content for the ad included a minute-long video promoting the new exhibition and local artists that would be exhibited at the location.

To kick off the second half of the strategic paid social campaign, Slice conducted a second set of ads with a Lead Generation objective. This time, the audiences targeted included:

  1. Those who interacted with the previous video campaign 
  2. An artist’s interest-based audience 
  3. A lookalike audience based on the current email list

The call to action in this ad campaign was more direct. Instead of a “learn more” message, this time, audiences were prompted to “subscribe now”.


For Cherry Street Pier, our goal was to raise awareness and build DRWC’s email subscribers for this property. We implemented an awareness campaign delivered to two ad sets for four consecutive weeks resulting in a 14,300 ad lift recall (amount of people who would remember seeing our ad). According to Google Analytics, these ads drove 331 new people to, which was 7% of new user traffic from February 1 to March 8. Slice then implemented a lead generation campaign which resulted in 324 new emails, at $1.24 per email, which was an outrageously low cost compared to the industry standard.

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Find out more about our social media and email marketing services and see how Slice can help you!

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