Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission


Each year Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission holds a special Thanksgiving celebration for their guests and for anyone in need of a meal or place to go on Thanksgiving day. After scaling back their celebration the year prior due to COVID-19, Sunday Breakfast was looking forward to hosting another special event for their guests and those in need. 

As part of the Thanksgiving celebration, Sunday Breakfast holds their annual Prepare a Plate fundraiser to help raise the funds needed to put on such an event. With a goal of $30,000, Sunday Breakfast needed a strategic plan to generate awareness and donations without causing donor fatigue from their audiences. 

With a comprehensive strategy in place, Slice’s team of email marketing experts set out to leverage Sunday Breakfast’s email platform and audiences to help raise money to meet their fundraiser goal.


In order to get the most out of Sunday Breakfast’s email audience, the Slice team developed a strategy utilizing multiple segments. This allowed our email experts to send specific messages to different audiences at a higher frequency without exhausting subscribers. 

To ensure all audience members were aware of the fundraiser, our email strategy started off with general informational messaging reaching a broad audience at the beginning of the campaign. As we moved further along, Slice was able to identify high performing key segments to continue to target with different messaging about Prepare a Plate, while using past data to ensure send days and times were optimized. 

With the close of the fundraiser approaching, Slice’s email marketing experts created a “Last Chance” message deploying it to all key segments generating urgency among subscribers to donate. This single email raised the most amount of money throughout the entire campaign.


With the help of Slice’s team of marketing experts, Sunday Breakfast was able to exceed their goal of $30,000 by raising over $42,000, which went directly to serving over 500 meals ensuring that the Philadelphia community could come together and have a place at the Mission’s table on Thanksgiving. 

From our email efforts specifically, we were able to generate over $15,000 in donations for Prepare a Plate. By strategically leveraging different email segments, our email campaign had an average conversion rate of 34.14% and contributed to 36% of the donation total

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