Hitting the Nail on the Head with Authentic Social Media Posts

Working as a social media intern this summer inevitably taught me numerous skills that I will continue to implement in my career, but the most important message that I learned is quite different from what I thought it would be. From an outside perspective, social media is assembled in an aesthetic manner. But, at the […]

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Reflecting on Content Creation: Keeping it Simple

If there’s anything I learned from #SMDayPHL 2022, it’s to take a step back and reevaluate how I go about my work as a Content Account Manager. In my role, I create content for clients – blogs, social media posts, surveys, ebooks, you name it. Churning out content is something I’m used to doing for […]

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Helpful Tips for Creating Goal Oriented Content

During my time here at Slice Communications, one of the most important pieces of advice I received as a social media intern is to primarily focus on creating goal oriented content. What is goal oriented content you ask? As Spiralyitics explains, “Goal oriented content is what drives your business towards success.” As vague as this […]

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How to Create a Successful Brand Ambassador Program

Anyone who uses social media is no stranger to casually scrolling through their news feed or timeline and coming across someone talking about a product they love. More than likely that content is sponsored or in partnership with a brand. Brand ambassadors have become increasingly popular among brands over the past several years with no […]

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Live Video Content On the Rise…Again!

I think one of the trends I have been the most excited about in 2022 has been the rebirth of live video content. For a while, live video was stagnant in terms of the most effective social content but over the past few months, its popularity has surpassed that of general video content. According to […]

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