5 Questions about Clubhouse

Social media channels rise and fall almost every day. What helps them stand out and survive is what makes them unique. For example, Instagram was the first platform focused specifically on photography and images. LinkedIn was the professional social network. But the newest platform, Clubhouse, has been making waves. The first question everyone asks: what is Clubhouse? And how can it be integrated into your social media strategy?

What Is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is a newly emerging social media platform that is focused on voice-based audio content. Unlike other platforms, where videos and graphics dominate the conversations, Clubhouse is truly focused on spoken conversations. In the platform, users have the opportunity to join in different voice chats hosted in different “rooms.” 

How Do I Get Access to Clubhouse?

Currently, Clubhouse is invitation-only, with no current announced date to transition to public access. Additionally, Clubhouse is currently only available on mobile for Apple’s iOS devices, meaning that access is extremely limited. However, current users are able to invite other individuals to join the platform. And the more active a user is on Clubhouse, the more invites they have access to.

How Do I Get Started On Clubhouse?

After you get invited to Clubhouse, you can login and are directed to the Hallway. The Hallway is essentially the main news feed, and from here you can hop into different rooms. Additionally, from the Hallway you can search for people to follow, check your notifications, check for upcoming events, and check your direct messages.

What Is Clubhouse Used For?

From its initial creation, the Clubhouse founders emphasized the focus on verbal discussions:

“With no camera on, you don’t have to worry about eye contact, what you’re wearing, or where you are. You can talk on Clubhouse while you’re folding laundry, breastfeeding, commuting, working on your couch in the basement, or going for a run. Instead of typing something and hitting Send, you’re engaged in a back-and-forth dialogue with others. The intonation, inflection and emotion conveyed through voice allow you to pick up on nuance and form uniquely human connections with others.”


Once you’re in a room, Clubhouse functions similarly to a moderated conference call. It’s also important to note that you cannot record any of the conversations, meaning that if you miss a discussion, you won’t be able to relisten. 

Hosts and speakers can control who is speaking and often lead discussions on the Stage. Below the stage is a section devoted to anyone attending who is followed by a speaker, and then by the rest of the listeners.

Each of these rooms are hosted by a Club. Most simply, Clubs are groups of people based  around a range of topics, such as “marketing” or “architecture” or “science fiction.” 

How Can My Brand Leverage Clubhouse?

Unlike most other social media platforms, Clubhouse is very focused on individuals. There are currently no options for corporate or business pages; Everything is connected to people. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t opportunities for organizations. 

Thought Leadership

Some people have talked about how Clubhouse chats can sometimes feel like live podcasts. By establishing a presence in specific industry rooms or clubs, thought leaders have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge for an audience. And since some clubs have over 250k followers, this can easily position an expert on a larger stage than previously possible. 

Audience Insights

The most effective clubs host discussions around questions and areas that people want to learn about. By following these clubs and joining rooms, you can learn what people are interested in and use it as a source of content ideation. 


Since no one can see each other due to the pandemic, Clubhouse has allowed people to network and meet new people remotely. By engaging with conversations in different rooms, users have an opportunity to get introduced to other people and forge connections that can extend off of the platform. 

Audio Content

Even if you’re not interested in creating an account on Clubhouse, its popularity shows the value of audio content. In fact, other platforms are starting to plan and roll out their own versions, such as Spaces on Twitter. Remember: people all learn in different ways and consume information through different content mediums

Want to Learn More About Clubhouse?

Whenever a new social platform arrives, organizations need to be quick in learning about the platform, evaluating the benefits, and identifying if it makes sense to join. See how our team of social media experts can help your team evaluate the value of Clubhouse, or see what other platforms work best for you. 

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