Deciding When to Rebrand: Key Factors to Align Both Internally and Externally

Written by: Jenna Jenkins

Brand identity is the key driving force behind everything. It includes the values your company stands for, specific designs chosen to shape audiences’ perceptions, and a consistent voice and tone. Before you begin marketing your brand, there must be a clear understanding of your brand identity both internally and externally. This means making sure all employees are aligned with the vision and core values before externally presenting your rebrand to the world.

Rebrand example: Airbnb Logo:

Slice’s Founder and CEO, Cass Bailey states “The brand identity is how you communicate an experience whether it’s through a logo, name, tagline, key messages or key visuals.” Before a rebrand can begin, you must focus on what your brand is trying to communicate. 

If you’re reading this blog, it just may be because you’re thinking: When should our company/organization rebrand? 

Slice is here to help! Here are 6 key factors to consider before hopping into a rebrand:


  1. “Who are we today?” Think of the values that you share with investors, donors, and employees. Is there a gap in how you communicate through your visual identity and your values? If your brand’s values are around being innovative and modern, but your branding looks the same since the 90s, that’s a key point to note. What are your company’s attributes? Think of your current core values. What makes your company stand out? What makes your company the best of the best? This is the perfect time to align internally. Sending around a quick survey for employees to fill out may help you understand your company even more. Having an open conversation on what employees deem attributes versus growth opportunities is incredibly important before strategizing a rebrand.
  2. “New stakeholders?” This could mean a new leadership group or a new investment group, or even a new generation of employees. Maybe your company has gone through an acquisition and you’ve acquired some new stakeholders. These are such great opportunities for you to rethink your brand. What experiences are you creating through your brand? Do these experiences represent the stakeholders? There must be alignment between your best people and the brand identity that you are putting out in the market.
  3. “New vision to communicate?” If you’re choosing to rebrand, the company that you were in the past is now being left behind and there’s a new vision for a new company in the future. You will be serving the market differently, as you introduce new products and services. How will you choose to communicate this new vision?


  1. “Are we memorable?” When people ask about an organization that you have donated to, not only do you recall the name but there’s often an emotional attachment or story. If someone were to ask about your company, you should be able to explain what you do in a way that is memorable for the person interested. If this potential advocate asks for more information, but your current branding looks similar to other companies in the market, they may completely forget about your company. Why? Because it does not stand out. If your branding is not communicative, people may also have no idea what it means or what it stands for. Your brand should be creating a memorable experience. 
  2. Have we materially changed?” If there’s been a merger or acquisition, the introduction of new products or a new service line in your company, it may not align with what you’re currently communicating externally. This all circles back to the brand identity. You must properly communicate your brand, which may call for a rebrand if there’s been an impactful material change.
  3. Target Audience?” Have your best people/target audience changed? Whether it’s your customers, clients, or donors, something about what they care about and what they’re looking to get from you has changed. Your brand has to change to meet them where they are. What does your audience need from you? Why would target audiences choose to work with you over a competitor? 

While these factors may seem overwhelming at first, taking it step by step can be exceptionally beneficial. Hopping immediately into a rebrand without focusing on these six key elements could cause internal misalignment and the loss of trust between you and your best people.

Contact Slice today if your company or organization is interested in a rebrand! 

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