How to Promote a Webinar Effectively During Quarantine

Written by: Cassandra Bailey

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are using their time at home to develop themselves professionally and learn new things. For many, that means signing up for informational webinars. This is an opportunity for thought leaders to share the best practices of their trade, to engage with their audience, and to add some professional value during this stressful time. Here are some tips on how to promote a webinar to ensure that the people who should know about it, know about it.

Email Marketing

There are people already in your network, including your clients and your customers, who are the people that you want to know about your webinar. In our experience, email marketing is one of the primary drivers of getting people to sign up for a webinar. 

That said, you don’t want to blast your entire email list with a webinar that might not be relevant to them. Instead, make sure that you have a segmented list, and spend a little time looking through your list and tagging or adding people who might be the best to attend the webinar because it is most relevant to their interests and what they do. 

You will want to send a couple of emails to them, including one purely promotional email with exceptional graphics and explanations of what a webinar is, and another email or two that addresses why you believe they would find the webinar valuable. 

Social Media

While developing your social media strategy, think about the social media channels that are going to be the best for your company to promote the webinar to your audience. Since so many people are working from home, they are spending a lot of time on their social media pages, specifically Facebook. If you haven’t used Facebook for your business in the past because you thought your audience wasn’t there, they are now. 

In addition to organic social media posts, your company will probably want to spend more time and money on Facebook or LinkedIn advertising. This will ensure that your company’s message about the webinar will be exposed to a new and wider audience. In addition, you don’t want to use a hashtag that everyone is using like #coronavirus, but rather hashtags like #crisiscommunications, #insurance, or #supplychain. 

Connect with Partners

It is crucial to share webinar content with your centers of influence and partners (e.g. chambers of commerce, associations or groups, small business organizations, etc.). This should also include your company or business’s primary vendors (including, but not limited to: law firms, accounting firms, marketing agencies, etc.). Your partners should know what the webinar is about, when it’s occurring, who it’s for and how they can help you. You may want to even write specific social media posts that they could share with their networks. 

Ask them to invite their members to be a part of it as well. They are trying to help their members as much as possible, and providing content or access to a webinar or expert like you may also help them achieve their goals.

After the Webinar

Even after the webinar is completed, there is more you can do with the video! Check out our full blog on other ways you can use your recordings for future marketing efforts.

Need Help Promoting Your Webinar?

If you need help communicating consistently and thoughtfully now or at any time, our entire team at Slice Communications is here for you. Contact us, and we’ll get right to work helping you navigate this challenging time.

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