Retention Marketing Blog Series: Compelling Reason to Purchase Again

Keeping customers or clients loyal, or at least as repeat purchasers, is one of the trickiest parts of any marketing plan. How do you make this vital group feel engaged in the process, listened-to and understood? It all comes down to communication – so start that ongoing conversation from Day One! Ask what motivated their […]

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Retention Marketing Blog Series: Research Current Audience

Truly understanding your client’s and customer’s needs, interests and aspirations is essential to discerning the best way to engage and motivate them. That’s why research initiatives are so powerful as an investment. Quantitative research is about measurable data, while qualitative research relies on personal interviews or information that show how people think and respond to […]

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Retention Marketing Blog Series: Retention is the Priority for Most

The business topic on everyone’s mind these days is retention, specifically around current clients, investors, donors, members and employees. We love that! The renewed focus on retention marketing is exciting for many reasons; it offers sophisticated strategies and tactics to engage customers who are already loyal and it’s smart and provides several growth opportunities when […]

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Retention Marketing Blog Series: Business Priorities for Marketing

To grow and succeed, your business should be focused on these five essential buckets of marketing priorities: Acquiring new customers Creating a retention-focused plan Building the brand and infrastructure Increasing the investor base Plans for company growth See the video below as Cass dives deeper into these priorities for businesses in 2023. ; We’d love […]

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Retention Marketing: The Key to Strategic Planning and Keeping Your Customers

Retaining existing customers is just as important, and less expensive, as acquiring new ones. You’re welcome to re-read that sentence but it’s true!  Research has shown that it costs up to five times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. That’s where retention marketing comes in!  What is […]

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