I’m an admitted curmudgeon. Charitably, I suppose you could call me a skeptic. It ultimately leads to the same point: The addition of AI to an already complicated marketing landscape does not excite me. I’m not immediately won over by another shiny object. What’s worse, this one threatens to replace me and much of what […]

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New FTC guidelines impact human and virtual influencers

In case you missed it: the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) just unveiled a makeover of their Endorsement Guides to keep marketers and advertisers above board when it comes to paid partnerships. The biggest changes affect influencers and content creators directly after several years of enjoying rather lax regulation. When in doubt: disclose, disclose, disclose.  If […]

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I’m a Believer: Mission-Centric Membership Marketing in a Data-Driven World

“I’m a Believer” is a No. 1 hit released by The Monkees in 1966. If your only frame of reference for this song is the animated film Shrek, that’s okay. You already know the most important thing about it – even performed by Smash Mouth, it’s insidiously catchy. A good pop song can stick with […]

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What is Threads? How can I use it in my marketing?

Meta has officially launched ‘Instagram Threads’ this week to a flurry of activity – with over 10 million sign-ups in seven hours. Much like their introduction of Stories back in 2017 (an admitted copy of Snapchat at the time), Instagram has seized the opportunity to enter the social media vacuum that Twitter’s new CEO, Elon […]

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The Values That Drove Our Rebrand

We began the year with a nice boost to our workforce and client numbers as the result of an agency acquisition. The merger was also a perfect opportunity to take a fresh look at who we are as a company, what we stand for and believe in, and how we want to communicate the new […]

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