Email Marketing 101 with Grace: List Management

Creating and maintaining a healthy email list is essential to building an effective email marketing strategy, but when overlooked, it will negatively impact not only the performance of your emails but also your sender reputation. What makes a healthy email list? A healthy email list is one that is made of subscribers who have opted-in […]

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Goodbye Careers Page, Hello Culture Page

If there’s one thing companies have learned over the past 2 years it’s that culture matters now more than ever. Amidst the “Great Resignation,” working professionals are looking for companies that truly value and invest in their employees. Go beyond your annual holiday party, and showcase all you have to offer to potential new employees […]

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How to Create a Social Media Customer Service Plan

Today, customers have grown accustomed to getting near instant responses to questions thanks to search engines like Google, chatbots hosted on brand websites, and direct access to brands through social media. This has caused customer service to become even more ingrained into the user experience, to the point where a 2016 Microsoft report noted that […]

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Slice Communications 14th Anniversary

Every year on February 8th, I take a second to reflect on the journey that has been Slice Communications.  February 8th was the day that my co-founder and I earned our first client, and I’ve been riding the ups-and-downs of this crazy rollercoaster ever since.   The first client was a tech startup in northern New […]

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Creating Goal Oriented Content that Drives Results

A guide on how to create content for social media that drives engagement written by a social media content creator. At Slice, we focus on the 5 types of attention model designed to turn an unaware audience into your advocates. The model focuses on how to take your audience through each attention stage but there […]

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