Utilizing Social Media for Marketing in the Current Climate

With the economy changing rapidly in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, many marketers wonder how they will adjust to the new economy, asking important questions about what strategies still work and what needs to change. It’s easy to get lost in the minutiae and lose sight of the importance of the basics, but these basics offer critical insights into how one can better adjust to the Coronavirus economy.

Why Do I Need a Social Media Strategy?

Social media has received significant attention over the years as a critical business tool.  Many companies are now aware of the benefits social media has to offer. In response, they cast a wide net to reach as many people as possible. Although this strategy makes sense in theory, it is actually inefficient and can lead to more cost than benefit in the long run. Effectively utilizing one social media channel that best represents your customers is the most efficient way to use social media within a marketing strategy.

Looking at this strategy more in-depth, it is critical to first understand who your customers are and what their lifestyle is. For example, if your product is geared towards people who actively contribute to discussions and take pride in their participation in public discourse, Twitter would be a more effective platform to engage with your audience than YouTube or Pinterest.

Here are some steps to learn more about your audience to develop your strategy:

  1. Take time to better assess who your customers are and what topics they find most important.
  2. Find out which platforms they are the most active on, and work to increase your presence on that platform.
  3. When you finish gathering information and create a picture of who your customers are, figure out your social media strategy and how it can function within the platform used by your customers.
  4. When you accomplish this, focus on that channel and put the maximum amount of effort into marketing on it.

Successfully executing this process will increase the relevancy of your brand with your target audience, and having more relevancy, as shown through other marketing basics such as email, will lead to a higher return on investment, more business activity, and an increase in leads. 

Is My Social Media Working?

To evaluate your social media’s performance, refer back to your business goals and reflect on the results you receive from social media marketing efforts. Ask if your business goals are being accomplished by your social media campaigns and if your marketing efforts are leading to measurable results.

Having results in mind when considering utilizing social media will lead to a more solid grasp of how your marketing strategy is performing in the industry. By looking at social media through this lens, the data and results can reveal whether you need to adjust your marketing strategy and change the role social media plays in your overall strategy and business performance.

Need Help Figuring Out Your Social Media?

At Slice, our team of experts  can help you and your company navigate social media marketing. Contact us if you have a question or would like to learn more about the benefits of social media for your business!

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