Humor in Marketing: Good Idea? Bad Idea? BOTH!

Knock Knock!  “Who’s there?”  Hugh!  “Hugh who?”  Hugh-mor in marketing! … Much like many attempts at jokes in advertising, that one was quite the stinker.  But when done right, a funny ad or post can be a great way to get eyes on your business that otherwise may have never even noticed your brand. One […]

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Human vs. Machine: Will AI replace marketing jobs?

One of today’s hottest questions is: “Will AI replace marketing jobs?”  As communicators, what we do is so human.  We exist to move people – to capture their attention, their imagination, their motivation… and turn it into action. And despite the technology – including artificial intelligence – that has become so integrated into our lives, […]

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Barbenheimer – Embracing Virality & Seizing the Moment

“I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world.” “Now I am become death. Destroyer of worlds.” Two quotes that, until recently, had probably never had any business ending up next to each other. Much like, until this summer, you’d never have proposed watching a movie about Barbie dolls that come to life right after a […]

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Competitive Audit: Silver Run Electric

An often overlooked yet important tool for improving your brand and staying one step ahead is a competitive audit. A competitive audit allows for a comprehensive analysis of what one’s competitors are doing, more specifically what they are doing right and wrong. The value of learning from others cannot be overstated. To fully understand what […]

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If the Process Doesn’t Make Things Easier, Break It

Processes are important to the smooth and timely completion of tasks. They’re meant to streamline things, to take the thought out of the predictable and automatic parts of Getting Things Done, so that we maximize efficiency and minimize wasting valuable time and energy. Processes are used to align teams and coordinate efforts. All good things, […]

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